About Us

Overlord Publishing is an independent publishing company based in the United Kingdom that specialises in the publication of historical reference books, with a key focus on the US military contributions to World War II. The company was founded in 2014 by a team of dedicated people with more than 20 years' experience of the book and print industry. We pride ourselves on the diverse subject matters that our titles cover, and we aim to produce the best reference material possible for readers, historians and researchers around the globe. With our own unique distribution services, we are able to fulfil orders in any continent.

Our fully integrated digital design suite allows us to turn an author's project into a printed reality. Our team can provide unique, great looking cover designs as well as internals for any project, and by using fully-integrated digital presses, we can ensure that our titles look as good in person as they do on the designer's screen. Furthermore, all of our works are built with longevity in mind, so we also offer ebook services for new and existing authors. 

In addition to publishing unique and exciting titles from authors around the world, we also aim to provide high quality reprints of hard-to-find original manuscripts, documents and catalogs. We strongly believe that these excellent primary sources provide an ideal reference point to anyone researching the US involvement in the Second World War, with a particular focus on historians, researchers and re-enactors. Using our extensive library of original copies, we utilise the latest in digital print technologies to realise the recreations of history. 


We are always looking to expand our range of titles, so if you're an author and wish to submit a book or manuscript publishing by Overlord Publishing, please contact us to learn more.

Contacting us:

We always enjoy hearing from our customers and potential authors. Our team is on hand Monday-Friday from 09:0 to 17:00 (UK local time) to answer any questions or queries you might have. Please visit the Contact Us page to submit your email, or if you'd prefer to send us a regular email, our address is hello@overlord-publishing.com.

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